I'm Back... OOPS I'm Gone Again...

Waaaa... I missed my fans *pweh* (need a puke bag?*lol*). Not really, I missed almost a month to post an entry. Yes! You read it right a freakin one month of zero update! Wondering what the hell happen to me? A lot!
Disclaimer: This things are not supposed to hang around elsewhere for it might spread and can cause an non-adjustive swarm of complications. Therefore what is written here will stay here and only here it can be discussed and disclosure of the said information is strictly prohibited. (trainers are not allowed to go out with his/her trainees)
My friend Ann, Dave (her husband) [both American] and 3 of my colleagues were having beer bash in broad daylight (7am-9an after shift) at Libis and being there for almost 2 hours and to the fact that were also too drunk to think with organized thoughts, Ann decided to go to a beach. Right away, on the spot, unplanned and I don't know what's gotten to Ann that day, but she insist on going there. I only have 200php and no extra clothes for the this. Ann asked her husband with conviction "Dave lets go to the beach! Now! I want NOW as in NOW, let me just finsh this bottle!" and his husband (like a little puppy with studded collar) said "ok if you want to..." I'm speechless for about 2mins and so the rest of my colleagues. Redhorse starts to kick in like a wild untamed beast, and it made me say the unfamiliar word Y.E.S. unconsciously. It was a freakin whole weekend we stayed in the resort and hell it was fun. We drink like there's no tomorrow and if there's any we would still spent that day drinking too seems 2 days were not enough for us. Art Parks (a co-trainee), Ann (trainer) and I were the ones left who can still manage to stand and talk loud on each others face (10 inches away). Cassidy (Ann's daughter) did join us while the three of us battle for the top scorer in our karoke challenge, but she's 11 yrs old, very pretty and she looks like 18 years old btw, she's the girl wearing a green shirt in the picture. I have lots of pictures of her and her mom wearing bathing suites (hope they aren't aware of this site or I'll be dead meat) and for some reason, which I don't know what reason, I deleted the pictures and these are the only thing left of it. Cassidy doest drink but stayed up late to join us. She did enjoy watching the three of us getting more drunk and listening to our noxious kareoke jammings with her cute and rakista mom (wearing gray in the picture.)
The Bad News:
I have my own religion where I would format my hard drive without having a damn good reason at all and if I'm not making any sense I would answer stupid surveys from social netwoking sites like ehmm friendster just for the sake of killing boredom. If these crazy rituals starts to take its own course it'll only means that I'm sick. For the past couple of weeks, one of the reasons I wasn't able to update my site is because I'm sick again. I was at the E.R. Makati Medical Hospital for this and guess what its all about? This one costs me 56php each for the anti-inflamatory medication which I need to take 2 times a day for 1 week straight, 12php each for the antibiotics, 19php for the hyrocloride candies, 120php for the gargle and last but not the least no smoking for 3 weeks. All because of acute tonsillopharyngitis (lamemans term: sore throat according to a friend who's a nurse.) Cause me a barrel of "lack of complaint attitute" and a box of "rules and regulation assessments every 4 hours" to get well soon and are you kidding me 3 weeks is not worth it. I was expecting it will only last for 5 days because of my restraint and I'm stricly following the doctor's advise plus the expensive medication I take and I have to borrow money from my mom just to buy those. Its mandatory for me to go to a doctor or hospital whenever I feel sick because I'm so afraid that something might happen worst like those on korean movies. They never knew that they have some termed-illness until they fall in love to some one and later die (ref: Lover's Concerto/Yeonae soseol and Now and Forever/Yeolliji movies that would move you I recommend this film to be watch with your boy/girlfriend... ok enuf of that.)
I have my own religion where I would format my hard drive without having a damn good reason at all and if I'm not making any sense I would answer stupid surveys from social netwoking sites like ehmm friendster just for the sake of killing boredom. If these crazy rituals starts to take its own course it'll only means that I'm sick. For the past couple of weeks, one of the reasons I wasn't able to update my site is because I'm sick again. I was at the E.R. Makati Medical Hospital for this and guess what its all about? This one costs me 56php each for the anti-inflamatory medication which I need to take 2 times a day for 1 week straight, 12php each for the antibiotics, 19php for the hyrocloride candies, 120php for the gargle and last but not the least no smoking for 3 weeks. All because of acute tonsillopharyngitis (lamemans term: sore throat according to a friend who's a nurse.) Cause me a barrel of "lack of complaint attitute" and a box of "rules and regulation assessments every 4 hours" to get well soon and are you kidding me 3 weeks is not worth it. I was expecting it will only last for 5 days because of my restraint and I'm stricly following the doctor's advise plus the expensive medication I take and I have to borrow money from my mom just to buy those. Its mandatory for me to go to a doctor or hospital whenever I feel sick because I'm so afraid that something might happen worst like those on korean movies. They never knew that they have some termed-illness until they fall in love to some one and later die (ref: Lover's Concerto/Yeonae soseol and Now and Forever/Yeolliji movies that would move you I recommend this film to be watch with your boy/girlfriend... ok enuf of that.)
I have this ability to literally get sick if I want to. I can do it in an instance without doing something that would make me ill at all (ok I'm not making any sense here.) What I mean is I can be sick just by thinking "I'm not well today." Therefore providing me a valid reason not to do things. I'm a type of guy who's always on the go and I hate being sick *seriously writting.* Believe it or not I don't want this talent or mutant ability if that's what you call it (the its-all-in-the-mind thingy) cause everytime I feel lazy = same feeling I'll get sick afterwards =c
A Very Good News:
The result of my application in Impact College London for an ABE Business Adminstration course came last Oct. 22 and I'm so delighted and exuberated (delighted/exuberant = english terms?! UK eh*lol*) And I think it will just take me 3-4 more weeks before I'm outta here XD. There will definitely be a sad feeling too (mix emotions nga!) because I've known alot of people and made alot of friends here and I'm currently making new friends now in the office, it's a continous process, they come and go but the most important thing is keeping in touch and waving a hand if you've come across them, by any chance. Being able to be far away from home, to live on your own is a difficult thing to do. It'll be a different environmet there too. I mean not quite but really really different weather, December is the coldest month in Berkshire. Add up the loneliness throught December and talk about holiday season huh *sob* =c
I wish I had more time here and I wish for the couple of weeks of my stay here would be those really really good ones! (If your reading this, send me money so I'll be happy today *lol*)
Thanks for droping by and hope you guys have a good weekend too. Inuman na! I'll be at Mark's place, drinking. Its not good to drink and drive so always be careful, I prefer to smoke and fly than to drink and drive. XD