Happy Beerday
I still have a hangover from last night, black label hits the right spot! I'm not much of a hard drinker. But I did save some red horse for myself. I can't even lift my head the next day. Before anything else I'd like to thank Leigh for having a hotel reservation for us this comming Saturday, Its her Birthday treat to me (ingit kayo!). Its not my plan to throw in a party yesterday, I just really miss my family, and seeing my grandma cooks together with my mom is a heart warming scene. Cook-out brings the family ties stronger. It always sparks a small talk and of course a share of recipes. Too bad it rained... for every May 26th starting from my 11th birthday its always raining. (from what I remember lol*) Maybe its a sign from God, that He will shower me with His blessings for another year of my life.
OK please ready you puke bags, here are some pics from the small celebration.
Birhtday boy just woke up, went straight to the bathroom! I still haven't shave.
Thinking to replace my monitor with LCD! I wish that someone had given me an LCD monitor as a gift. = (
Sorry she's mine. I love you Leigh!
Good thing about unpopular blogs like mine, is that I can post my shirtless body. After this please clean your pukes.
Mark, Paul, and I... sound trippin.
Erwin "Kilabot"
OK please clean your pukes now!