Nanay Upeng

emotions pouring at
6:14 PM
will be blessed by God for having a kind heart
Labels: nana upeng, nanay upeng
emotions pouring at
2:10 AM
1 will be blessed by God for having a kind heart
Labels: ayala bombing, glorietta 2 bombing
emotions pouring at
11:17 PM
will be blessed by God for having a kind heart
emotions pouring at
6:11 PM
1 will be blessed by God for having a kind heart
Before anything else, I just want to invite everybody to
Start:Oct 17, '07 10:00pm
End:Oc t 18, '07 04:00am
Locati on: Club Embassy, The FortLaunch of the Kidrobot Philippine DunnySeries 4 LaunchFeaturing Live Art from Nels Yumul and the Weewilldoodle Crewand Artist Louie for Nardong Tae. In case you don't know I'm also a fan of various art toys though its expensive and I never had one but I'm planning to collect some if favored to earn money for expensive hobbies like these (which is imposible so it's a part of frustration now).
Well, I got bored to my friendster account. Everytime I check someone's page its the same old sh*t. There's really nothing to do much in friendster except personalize your page or change your profile whenever you feel it's been like that for a long time. No one there even blogs and who cares even if you have one. They're not gonna spend 20php rental fee to read your unpopular blog even if they're your close friends. Instead, they will add random people who doesn't even have a decent picture or a bunch of posers trying to be someone else by posting a really gorgeous picture as their primary photo *turns out to be fake*. What a loser. Enuf of the whining. I guess we just have to deal with it. PERIOD!
It's fun at work during the past few days. We were getting paid to watch movies and video clips all day. I love training in this company. We got a sexy foreigner trainer and she also gives lots of treats and freebies too. And I hope it's going to be like that until product training aswell. My only problem though is transportation. I get tired easily and its my fault. Smoking really shortens breathing process. The walks are far too long for me now and I hope this is not a sign of aging *sob*. I only smoke 4 cigarettes a day or a maximum of 10 but that's on odd occasions only because I also get a nausea whenever I smoke too much. I dunno why I get tired easily maybe I'm just too lazy *lol*.
Remarks: Moderate cigarette cravings, exercise again, wake up early to avoid tardiness and buy MRT stored value card to avoid the time consuming ticket line *lol*.
Addition: I've been tracking time since last monday and it's 9:00pm and it's gonna be a normal sleep for me tonight like how my previous weeknights ended up. Because I'm so freakin tired, I dont have to worry about my insomnia, I won't even have to buy 2 stallions of red horse tonight. YEAH!!! Goodnight everybody.
emotions pouring at
6:00 AM
will be blessed by God for having a kind heart
Sorry for the late post, it happened yesterday. I was too tired to even tell the story to my mom and I can't hardly lift the corners of my lips because of exhaustion. I went straight to bed not fulfilled *do you feel the same way sometimes?* Going to bed but feeling abit disturbed because there's a story or a thing that happened to you and you really want to share it to someone but you can't maybe because of some reasons *reason for me is Im tired and I want to sleep right away.*
Work requires me to ride the MRT from Guadalupe to Cubao and vise versa *now you'll have an idea where I live and where I work*. We have a garage but we don't have a car and never had one neigther.
The Story:
The train is so jam pack, we're more than like a sardines in a can, we're like ammunition in a box ready to be fired. People were sweating like pig and smelling like one. I don't want to even get close to a man wearing a corporate attire beside me because his long sleeve polo is so soaked with his own sour sweat *cute asim face on*. Then there's this guy came barging in the train and when he got caught by a lady and her boyfriend, he shouted "HOY, YUNG LAPTOP KO NAMAN BAKA MABASAG, pag nabasag naman to di niyo naman kayang BAYARAN!!!" then the train went on. The lady whispered "Ayoko nga umusog don baka mabasag ko pa laptop niya..." the boyfriend answered "Ang galing magyabang ng laptop wala naman pambili ng kotse." and they both laugh and so am I.
Closing Remarks:
I will save money to buy a bike. I guess the studio will just have to wait.
emotions pouring at
8:48 PM
will be blessed by God for having a kind heart